PhD Final Exam Programme – Committee and Candidates_6_12_24
Il giorno 15 novembre 2024 alle ore 15.00, nell’aula CIS 1 Edificio 30C, avrà luogo il Seminario: “Estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRα): from an orphan receptor to a crucial pivot in cancer progression” tenuto dal dott. Marco Fiorillo – Università della …
Metabolism of the joint, from fuel to signal Il 18 gennaio 2023 alle ore 16 si svolgerà il seminario “Metabolism of the joint, from fuel to signal” tenuto dalla dott.ssa Valentina Pucino dell’Università di Oxford. L’incontro si terrà presso l’aula …
Si informa che è stato pubblicato il BANDO B per il dottorato in Scienze cliniche e traslazionali (AA 2023/2024). La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è venerdì 30 giugno 2023, ore 13.00 (ora italiana). The CALL B for the application for …
The Final Exam for PhD in Clinical and Translational Sciences will be held on Aprile 12th 2023, starting h 12.00, in Aula Massart, Scuola Medica, via Roma 55, Pisa. The exam will be streamed via Microsoft Teams at the following …
he Final Exam for PhD in Clinical and Translational Sciences will be held December 20th 2022, starting h 14.00, in Aula Cis 1, Ospedale Cisanello, Ed. 30, Pisa. The exam will be streamed via Microsoft Teams at the following link: …
The Final Exam for PhD in Clinical and Translational Sciences will be held July 7th 2022, starting h 9.00, in Aula Cis 1, Ospedale Cisanello, Ed. 30, Pisa. The exam will be streamed via Microsoft Teams at the following link: …
The Final Exam for PhD in Clinical and Translational Sciences will be held Janury 25th 2022, starting h 8.30, in Massart Classroom, Scuola Medica, via Roma 55 Pisa. The exam will be streamed via Microsoft Teams at the following link: …
We inform you that the final exam of the doctoral course in Clinical and Translational Sciences initially scheduled for January 18, 2022 has been postponed to a date to be defined, which will be communicated as soon as possible. Si …
The Final Exam for PhD in Clinical and Translational Sciences will be held September 13th 2021, starting h 9.00.