PhD Week 2024 Navigating the Future in Healthcare Science PhD Program in Clinical and Translational Sciences Coordinator: Prof. Mauro Pistello PhD Program in Clinical Physiopathology Coordinator: Prof. Massimo Chiarugi May 15-17th, 2023 Centro Congressi “Le Benedettine” Piazza S. Paolo a …
Activation, neutralization, analysis of the complement system and its many faces Abstract The complement system, as part of the innate immunity, is important in the inflammatory process, recognizing and eliminating non-self materials, creating and sustaining the correct microenvironment and modulating …
Metabolism of the joint, from fuel to signal Il 18 gennaio 2023 alle ore 16 si svolgerà il seminario “Metabolism of the joint, from fuel to signal” tenuto dalla dott.ssa Valentina Pucino dell’Università di Oxford. L’incontro si terrà presso l’aula …
Theory and practice in transmission and scanning electron microscopy Objective Full-immersion course covering ultrastructural techniques that can be applied to the study of several biological subjects (cells, tissues, organisms) including bioarcheological materials. Target The school is open to all …
Nano-oncology: challenges and perspectives ABSTRACT Nano-oncology: challenges and perspectives Valerio Voliani Department of Pharmacy, School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Genoa, Viale Cembrano, 4 (16148) Genoa (GE), and Center for Nanotechnology Innovation, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Piazza …