Short Bio
Valentina Menici is a Ph.D. student in the Clinical and Translational Scienceat Universy of Pisa. She is a Pediatric Physical Therapist; she graduated at University of Pisa in a first level degree cum laude in “Childhood neuro and psychomotor therapy” in 2015 and in Second level Degree cum laude in “Rehabilitation Science” in 2017.
Since 2016 she is collaborating with IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris in several research projects, in the field of developmental neuroscience. She has a permanent contract at IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris, and she is a member of the INNOVATE Laboratory (Laboratory of INNOVATivE Technologies in Neurorehabilitation) and of the Movement Disorders (MD) group in IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris.
She collaborates in some Cerebral Pasy and MD research programs and world clinical trials. Her main research topics are new approaches for assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of children with Cerebral Palsy and developmental motor disorders.
She is author and co-author of scientific papers also published on international indexed journals.
Publication summary: 11 journal papers, H-index: 4 (Scopus), 3 (Scholar). Citations: 40 (Scopus), 40 (Scholar).
- valentina.menici@phd.unipi.it