PhD Seminar – 18th January 2024 – Metabolism of the joint, from fuel to signal
Metabolism of the joint, from fuel to signal
Il 18 gennaio 2023 alle ore 16 si svolgerà il seminario “Metabolism of the joint, from fuel to signal” tenuto dalla dott.ssa Valentina Pucino dell’Università di Oxford. L’incontro si terrà presso l’aula PN4 del polo didattico Porta Nuova. La partecipazione al seminario è obbligatoria per tutti i dottorandi in Scienze Cliniche e Traslazionali.
The seminar “Metabolism of the joint, from fuel to signal” will be held on 18 January 2023 at 4pm by Dr Valentina Pucino of the University of Oxford. The meeting will be held in room PN4 of the Porta Nuova educational center. Participation in the seminar is mandatory for all Ph.D. students in Clinical and Translational Sciences.