PhD Week 2023
Navigating the Future in Healthcare Science
PhD Program in Clinical and Translational Sciences
Coordinator: Prof. Mauro Pistello
PhD Program in Clinical Physiopathology
Coordinator: Prof. Massimo Chiarugi
May 3rd – 5th, 2023
Centro Congressi “Le Benedettine”
Piazza S. Paolo a Ripa D’Arno, 16, 56125 Pisa

May 3rd, 2023
Welcome and opening remarks
Riccardo Zucchi, Rector of the University of Pisa
Emanuele Neri, President of the School of Medicine
Angelo Gemignani, Director of Surgical, Medical and Molecular Pathology and Critical Care Medicine
Aldo Paolicchi, Director of Translational Research
Stefano Taddei, Director of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Old and novel opportunities after the PhD degree
Chairs: Massimo Chiarugi and Mauro Pistello, Coordinators PhD Courses
Outlook on PhD courses – Bernardo Tellini, Pro-Rector of Research Doctorate, University of Pisa
Entrepreneurial opportunities in life science – Federica Draghi, Chief Executive Officer Xgen Venture Round Table
Coffee break
Endocrinology, Metabolism, CardiovascularMedicine, and Cardiology
Chairs: Stefano Del Prato and Raffaele De Caterina, University of Pisa
Precision medicine in diabetes – Paul W. Franks, Novo Nordisk Fonden, Hellerup, Denmark
Precision Epigenetics in Cardiovascular Precision Medicine – Francesco Paneni, Universitätsspital Zürich, Klinik für Kardiologie, Zürich
Precision Medicine in Endocrinology: new insights in the treatment of Graves’ orbitopathy – Michele Marinò, University of Pisa
Guided Poster Session
Chairs: Francesco Latrofa, Andrea Natali, Alessandro Antonelli & Michela Ferrucci, Mario Miccoli, Filippo Giorgi
16.00 – 18.00
Bio-Psychology and Neurosciences
Chairs: Angelo Gemignani and Gabriele Siciliano, University of Pisa
Transcriptional derepression as a cause of a genetic disease: the case of FSHD muscular dystrophy – Davide Gabellini, Gene Expression and Muscular Dystrophy Unit, Division of Genetics and Cell Biology, IRCCS San Raffaele, Milan
Protein folding pathways in neurodegeneration: new avenues across physiology and therapy – Emiliano Biasini, Dept. Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology – CIBIO, University of Trento
Psychophysiological correlates of meditation sciences – Andrea Piarulli, Department of of Surgical, Medical and Molecular Pathology and Critical Care Medicine, University of Pisa
Slow oscillation in sleep as model for neural plasticity – Giulio Bernardi, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
May 4th, 2023
08.30 – 10.30
Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse
Chairs: Stefano Berrettini and Ugo Faraguna, University of Pisa
Human-centered Artificial Intelligence – Dino Pedreschi, University of Pisa
VR/AR applications for healthcare systems: opportunities and challenges – Lucio Lamberti, Scientific Director Metaverse Marketing Lab – Politecnico di Milano, School of Management
AI and Wearables: A Maturing Field – Luca Foschini – CEO Sage Bionetworks, Founder Evidation Health Round Table
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 13.00
Precision Medicine in Oncology
Chairs: Sara Galimberti and Gianluca Masi, University of Pisa
From histology to a novel mutational approach in pathological diagnosis – Rossella Bruno – University of Pisa
Precision medicine in the clinic: exploiting the present to drive the future – Caterina Vivaldi, University of Pisa
Digital Innovation in oncology – Daniele Di Ianni, Roche
Digital pathology and artificial intelligence for precision medicine- Albino Eccher, Verona University Hospital
14.00 – 16.00
Guided Poster Session
Chairs: Clara Ugolini, Cristian Scatena, Guido Bocci & Emilia Ghelardi, Alessandra Salvetti, Maria Franzini
16.00 – 18.00
The human body as an ecosystem
Chairs: Giovanna Batoni and Alessandro Celi, University of Pisa
Modelling the microbiome and microbiome-host interactions – Alessio Mengoni, University of Florence
Person-to-person transmission landscape of the human microbiome – Mireia Valles-Colomer, University of Trento
COVID vaccines: immunological advances and public health – Paola Migliorini, University of Pisa
Vaccine effectiveness- Caterina Rizzo, University of Pisa
May 5th , 2023
08.30 – 10.30
Digital Health
Chairs: Emanuele Neri and Lorenzo Ghiadoni, University of Pisa
Big Data in Healthcare – Corrado Priami, University of Pisa
Artificial Intelligence to Process Big Data – Paolo Ferragina and Giuseppe Prencipe, University of Pisa
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging – Giovanni Donato Aquaro, University of Pisa
Imaging Biobanks – Gayane Aghakhanyan, University of Pisa
Applications of natural language processing in radiology – Lorenzo Faggioni, University of Pisa
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 13.00
Surgery, Anestesiology, Imaging, Simulation and Planning
Chairs: Massimo Chiarugi and Marco Lucchi, University of Pisa
Precision Surgery – Ugo Boggi, University of Pisa
Machine Intelligence Approach in Anaesthesiology – Francesco Forfori, University of Pisa
Future trends in robotic surgery – Arianna Menciassi, Sant’Anna Pisa
In situ Bioprinting: The future of 3D biofabrication inside the human body – Giovanni Vozzi, University of Pisa
Future in Robotic Surgery – Laura Ferro, Surgical Intuitive
13.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 16.00
Guided Poster Session
Chairs: Mario Miccoli, Fabio Vistoli, Serena Danti, Fabiola Paiar, Giandomenico Biancofiore, Gabriele Materazzi, Alessandro Celi
16.00 – 17.30
Navigating the Future of Italian and European Research
Chairs: Benedetta Mennucci, Vice-Rector for the Promotion of Research Giovanni F. Gronchi, Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations, University of Pisa
PNRR and the Italian Research – Rosario Rizzuto, Past-Rector, University of Padua
Horizon Europe, Research and Innovation in the Health Domain – Livio Stefanelli, Former Directorate General Research of the European
Commission Round Table
Moderator: Vittoria Raffa, Delegate for Research Promotion in Life Science, University Pisa
17.30 – 18.00
PhD Awards and Closing Ceremony