Short Bio
Academic Positions
University of Pisa/Department of Clinical and Experimental medicine: Professor in Dietetics and Clinical nutrition, Dean of the Faculty of Dietetics, Director of the Department Laboratory of Metabolism, Nutrition and Atherosclerosis.
Clinical position
Director of the Dietology Unit at the University Hospital of Pisa (AOUP). Clinical activity: Diabetes, hyperlipemia, obesity, malnutrition.
Research activity
Clinical investigation in pathophysiology of obesity diabetes and their complications. Bibliometrics (SCOPUS 20/3/23): 199 documents, 11,219 citations, 150 coauthors, h-index: 54.
Member of the Steering committee of the EGIR-RISC study and of the EASD Study group “EGIR”.
Member of the Executive committee and of the Scientific Committee of the Italian society of Diabetes (SID).
- andrea.natali@unipi.it
- +39 050-992814