Short Bio
Lorenzo Ghiadoni (Pisa, May 18th, 1967) was graduated MD in 1992, PhD in 1996 and Internal Medicine Specialist in 2001. He is currently Associate Professor in Internal Medicine, Director of the Emergency Medicine postgraduate training program; President of the Nursing Degree Course at the University of Pisa; Head of the Emergency Medicine Unit at University Hospital of Pisa. He is founder of QUIPU, a spin-off company of the National Research Center and the University of Pisa and member of the spin-off committee of the University of Pisa.
He was Member of the Executive Committee of Artery Society and Italian Society of Hypertension. Currently, he is Treasurer of Academy of Emergency Medicine and Care; Editor of Emergency Care Journal; Associate Editor of Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases and Editorial Board member of European Heart Journal and American Journal of Hypertension. His main scientific interests were on vascular physiopathology, including endothelial function and arterial stiffness. His group is now focusing clinical research on invasive diagnostic and prognostic tools in acute heart failure, pulmonary embolism trauma and sepsis. His scientific activity is documented by of 246 publications on peer-reviewed journals with an impact factor of 1278 (“Institute of Scientific Information” of “Journal of Citation Report”, 2019) and h-index of 58 (“Scopus”).
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