Short Bio
Patrizia Guidi is Assistant Professor of Applied Biology from 2016 at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa. She is graduated cum laude in Biological Science in 2007 and she defended her Ph.D. thesis in “Morphology and function of normal and pathological cells and tissues” in 2011 at the University of Pisa.
Her research activity is focused on cellular responses and genotoxic effects exerted by the exposure to classic and emerging xenobiotics and by their interaction, and on genetic damage produced by the oxidative stress in association with inflammatory processes connected to human pathologies. The research activity is conducted on both commercial and primary cell lines to investigate the induction of chromosomal alterations, DNA integrity, DNA repair systems and cellular up-take mechanisms, while invertebrate animal models are selected to investigate complex processes such as cell proliferation, cell differentiation and interaction between cells.
Dr. Guidi is author of 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals (H index: 16) and of many abstracts presented at national and international congresses. She is member of the Center for Instrument Sharing (CISUP), member of the National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM), member of the Italian Society of Biology and Genetics, member of the Italian Society of Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics and affiliated researcher at Italian Institute of Technology. She teaches in several theoretical and practical national and international courses.
- patrizia.guidi@unipi.it
- +39 050 221 9110