Short Bio
Rosa Maria Bruno (MD, PhD) is professor in Clinical Pharmacology at the Université Paris Cité (Paris, France). Her clinical activity is focused on management of resistant hypertension, renovascular hypertension and hypertension in pregnancy. Her main field of research is the non-invasive evaluation of functional and structural vascular alterations in traditional and emerging cardiovascular risk factors, as well as sympathetic regulation of vascular function in hypertension. She authored>150 publications in peer-reviewed, Pubmed-indexed scientific journals. She is member of the ESC Council of Hypertension Nucleus and of the Executive Committee of the Artery Society; she is leader of the Working Group “Large Arteries” of the European Society of Hypertension (ESC). She is among the initiators of the European Collaboration in Science and Technology (COST) Action VascAgeNet and she leads the Covid-19 effects on ARTErial StIffness and vascular AgiNg (CARTESIAN) study.
- rosa-maria.bruno@inserm.fr
- +33 1 56093991